Accidente King Air 200


Well-Known Member
Yo también lo acabo de ver no tuvo ma#$re!!

Igual y estaría bueno si hay chance de ponerlo en aviación general para compartirlo aunque sea vídeo, a mi eso me dio la impresión que fue factor humano, Hazardous Attitude, al tiro con eso:

Anti-Authority: "Don't tell me!" - When people have this attitude they may resent having someone tell them what to do or they think of rules and regs as silly or unneeded.

Impulsive: "Do something quickly!" - This is what people do when they feel the need to do something, anything and now. Usually they do the first thing that pops up in them.

Invulnerability: "It won't happen to me!" - Accidents happen only to other people. Thinking this may lead to taking more unnecessary risks.

Macho: "I can do it!" - These guys we all know. Trying to prove that they are better than anyone else and taking more risks. Both sexes are susceptible to this attitude.

Resignation: "What's the use?" - These people think that they do not make a great deal of difference in what happens to them. When things are going well they think: "Good luck". And when things are not so well, they seem to think that someone is out to get them.



Active Member
el accidente fue en agosto, y al parecer el piloto conoce a la gente de la pista de carreras por eso hizo el flyby, pero algo le salio mal, eso lo lei de otro foro